Solo Exhibitions (SELECTION)
«True-Mass», zaza', Milan, IT2024
«New Action», Plymouth Rock, Zurich, CH2024
«Double Standard», Cité des Arts, Paris, FR, Curated by Juliette Desorgues (A dialog between Ingeborg Bachmann’s prose and my practice)2023
«Corpse and Mirror», Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main, DE2022
«Quality Gifts», BPA Space, Cologne, DE2022
ListeArtFair Solo Presentation by Neue Alte Brücke, Basel, CH2022
«Medium Rare», Graduation Show, Untermainkai 27–28, Frankfurt am Main, DE2022
«Rundgang», Frankfurt am Main, DE2021
«Self-Service», FFFriedrich, Frankfurt am Main, DE, curated by Louisa Behr2019
«T», Johanne, Frankfurt am Main, DE2017
«Untitled», Upstairs at €rix, Berlin, DE, curated by Eric d. ClarkGroup Exhibitions (SELECTION)
«A Private Smile», Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, CH; curated by Mohamed Almusibli, Yana Kadykova und Lena Katharina Reuter2024
«Shared Location», Windhagervonkaenel, Zug, CH2023
«To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life», Enjoy Contemporary, Wellington, NZ; curated by Jess Clifford2023
«Sneckdown» EACC, Castellón de la Plana, Spain, SP; curated by YABY2023
«Unto Dust», Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris, FR2022
«On the Brink of Remembering», Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg, DE; curated by Theresa Roessler2021
«Touch Release», Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, DE; curated by Tom Engels2018
«The Axial Line», PS120, Berlin, DE; collaboration with Karl Holmqvist